about me





Welcome To The Mikeyverse...

silly sasuke

hiii welcome to my beautiful wonderful amazing website. idk if u can tell but this is my first time actually putting effort into a website lol. like i've never thought of doing this seriously like all i've made are the shittiest sites for class. But Now We Are Here! and i am going to try and make this website sooo aweesome and stuff. hopefully I Succeed... making a website is kinda hard.. @__@

Idk why I made this a section i literally have no idea what to say here. I'm making this website to try and practice coding more and also because I like seeing other peoples sites so I think it would be fun to have one of my own. i also like how personal they can be yet so detached from others :P like i feel like i can just yap here without anyone seeing... even though that's not exactly true i just feel like its nicer than social media. So expect a lot of yapping I Guess... i'm thinking that this will be more like stream of conciousness. Hopefully as I get better at coding I'll be able to update the design of this site and make it better... it feels a bit mediocre to me so far... Anyway.. enjoy the site and have fun exploring!

updates ?__?

added home page

to do...

- rest of the website
- make this look cuter